It’s time to put your performance on the line. When it comes to constantly varied general fitness training, it’s quite easy to lose sight of specific, immediate goals. Have no fear, because for six weeks we’ll train with specific purpose and goals together.
Starting May 31st, you have an opportunity to enroll in a six week performance challenge that not only rewards incredible performances, but focuses on improvement. For six weeks, participants will put their performance under a microscope to fine tune muscle stamina, strength, cardiovascular endurance, power, and speed. The following workout will be completed as a baseline May 31st and retested in a competition style event July 12th:
Complete the following for time:
10 Sandbag Getups
20 Stone to Shoulder
30 Pull ups
40 Box Jumps
400m Run
A) 100# SB, 145# Stone, 30” Box + Plate
B) 65# SB, 115# Stone, 30” Box
C) 45# SB, 95# Stone, 24” Box
D) 30# SB, 65# Stone, 20” Box (or other mods)
The event’s ante is $40 which goes to the prize purse. Cash prizes will be awarded to the three most improved performances, fastest male RX time, fastest female RX time, and best costume. Let’s make it an extra patriotic, extra fun summer together.
Compete. Have fun. WIN!
Logan Gelbrich
5/8/14 WOD
30 Toes-to-Bar
50 Goblet Squats (53/35)
100 Walking Lunges
200m Run