The Pascal’s Wager of Intelligence
You know the bet.. It’s better to believe in God and find out He’s not real than the other way around. This is Pascal’s Wager. Intelligence works the opposite way. …

NEW DROP: Human Optimist Hoodie
This lightweight hoodie is a symbol of the human spirit that continues to stretch boundaries and overcome. DEUCE Community Inc. has shown that when you’re optimistic about humanity that we …

Do You Have Your Diagnosis or Does It Have You?
I’ll be honest. This is one of those articles that is all in the title. You have your diagnosis, though, right? It doesn’t have to be a medical thing. You …

TRAINING MYTHS: Kettlebells Are Uniquely Safe, Functional
You’re not going to believe this. Kettlebells are iron weights shaped into a round “bell” shape with a handle. That’s it. That’s the technology. A kettlebell is every other loaded …

Your Next Fitness Gains Starts with Your Nose
The cheapest easiest way to build your physical capacity without going harder is all in the nose. That’s right. How you breathe could be the key to your next breakthrough. …