Each year we corral our efforts in one massive fundraising effort. Crush Cancer is an event put on by our friends at DogTown CrossFit in the heart of Culver City. In its third year and with the help of worldwide participation last year, Crush Cancer raised nearly half of a million dollars, which all went to cancer research.
Saturday October 18th you are invited to join us for the Crush Cancer workout in downtown Culver City. All you need to do is register with DEUCE Gym and help us raise money for the cause. All fitness levels are welcome and the following workout can be scaled accordingly.
Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
1 Minute Max Power Cleans (95/65)
1 Minute Max Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
1 Minute Max Burpees
1 Minute Max Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
1 Minute Max Double Unders
-Rest 1 minute-
Each year we bring a large group to take part so we’re asking you to join us on October 18th and help us get to fundraising. See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
8/26/14 WOD
Back Squat
Complete the following for time:
10, 9, 8… 1 Dynamic Push Ups
50′ Front Sandbag Carry (AHAP)