Breath + Exposure

Time Under Tension (TUT): The Balcony View

Building muscle requires a few key elements. The three main ones are mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress. Mechanical tension is basically how much load the muscle can bear.

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Our Breath + Exposure course is home to a new, much larger barrel sauna. The anticipated remodel means more room for incredible conversations and the sauna is holding heat hotter,

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Listening to Louie (and Others)

“I like to have our guys jump on the belt squat for short three minute bouts of marching,” he said. “It’s great for the hips and glutes.” Quickly, my friend

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Pen, Paper, and a Difference

I love small effort, big impact opportunities. If you look closely, there are arbitrage opportunities around you for the taking. You’ve heard my semi-controversial take on tipping, which essentially says

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Getaway Bag that Doubles as a Gym Bag

QUICK! You need to get something gnarly done, no questions asked – Who’s your first call?! Carhartt or DEUCE would be one of the first numbers we’d call..  So, we

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