Breath + Exposure

Vocabulary Audit

“I don’t think the word busy is here to help us. Each thing is still one thing when you do it.” I recently heard this while listening to an interview

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A Case for Calamity

It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I was the kid who didn’t watch scary movies because I was scared… to be scared. I also rarely watched sad movies because

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Lights Out

Whether it was a teammate or a coach encouraging you to play lights out, Beyonce (or John Mayer) encouraging you to love lights out – hello, “XO” – or both,

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Reflection, With a Tempo

It’s not uncommon to see tempos prescribed in our training here. Why? Short and sweet, increased time under tension is one way to get stronger. This is not to say

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Seasonal Migration… B&E Style

Birds do it. Butterflies do it. Penguins do it. And so do salmon. Seasonal migration, baby. It’s a thing. Guess what? Now that it’s summer, you’ve probably witnessed your fellow

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