Breath + Exposure
Delegation Gone Wrong: The Over-Indexing of Talent
We shouldn’t do everything. But, we can. Maybe read that again, because it’s controversial. If we begin with the premise that human beings (and their brains) are malleable (SEE: growth …
Risk is at the Heart of Life, Leadership
Nothing compelling can happen until someone takes on risk. Period. The V-word (vulnerability) is picking up steam in pop-culture for good reason. Afterall, being in the world and doing difficult …
Men’s Event to Explore Male Vulnerability, Breathwork
Raise your hand if you think men need help understanding and expressing vulnerability. There are some important folks doing great work with men as it relates to vulnerability and one …
The Misguided Consequences of Pre-Lift Overbreathing
The first person I heard introduce this concept was renowned performance coach, Brian Mackenzie. At the time, he was breaking down a video of former World’s Strongest Man winner, Martins …
“No Boys Allowed” Lifting Event Tomorrow
One of the most magical phenomena at DEUCE Garage is the ‘Ladies Only’ events that bring women together in a positive environment. Tomorrow we invite all curious women from the …