Breath + Exposure

The Perspective Shift That Could Change American Health Forever

One of the first fatal misperceptions of American health is that fitness is a thing you look like. If you perceive that fitness is a thing you see in the

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Non-Profit Housing Program is Nearly Fully Funded by Small Private Donors

We’re not afraid to do the improbable around here. I managed to become a professional athlete with virtually no athletic ability. Later, started a gym in a park and convinced

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DEUCE’s Ploy to Progress Adult Development

If we were a barber shop, we’d be cutting hair. Since we’re a gym, we’re going to do these workouts.  I’d usually say this when explaining that DEUCE Gym is

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The Seed that Spawned Our Leadership Model

You know those one liners that just stay with you for years? I’m still reeling ten years later from a psychologist summarizing the human psyche as it relates to agency

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Dosage: A Game of Minimums

Ice baths are good for you, right? Seems obviously true. And, I generally won’t fight you on that fact. I do have a question, though.  If a few minutes in

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