
The Ice Garnish
In case you missed it, our beloved ice machine celebrated its first birthday last month. That might not mean much to you, and that’s totally cool. But after a year …

All Hands on Deck: Weightlifting
Weightlifting (spelled as one word as opposed to two) is a sport, which consists of the snatch and the clean & jerk. While there are variations of each lift, the …

President’s Day Community Workout
Monday is President’s Day and we’ve got something special for you. The regular schedule will be in effect, but the noon class will be an extended ‘Hero Workout’ experience. That …

Guardrails for a [Life] of Adjustments
Coaches’ development is an integral part of what we do at DEUCE and yesterday I was in a feedback meeting with a coach offering a framework that I find helpful …

D-E-U-C-E Episode 7: Coach Lacey v Coach Embo
DEUCE Media’s favorite web series is back! The game is “DEUCE.” Much like the classic basketball game “HORSE,” missed efforts earn a letter. The first player to earn D-E-U-C-E loses. …