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Benavidez Demonstrates Levels of Humanity

I’m not sure who needs to watch this, but there are levels to the human will. This man is made of the same things you are. He has inside of

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DEUCE Yoga to Return

After a remarkably successful pop-up last month, we will offer two additional pop-ups for DEUCE Yoga at the garage in March. These four pop-ups with Yogi Debbie Steingesser will be

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Making Sense with Self-Talk

Every moment you move through the world, you’re using sensory tools to perceive your reality. While no combination of sensory systems can perfectly perceive reality, we’re making a valiant effort.

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Nearing Warhol with Personability

I remember reading the MLB Scouting Report for a teammate of mine in high school, DJ Lewis. He was a man amongst children. He came from a passionate, loving, and

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At the beginning of every Breath & Exposure Seminar, I take a minute to articulate the particular tone & style of language that I’ll be attempting to deliver information from.

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