
Reading the Fine Print

Did you know that this is article number two thousand three hundred and twenty-two on the DEUCE blog? PHEW! Talk about endurance, right? Sometimes I wish more people would read

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Watch Your Emotions (with Two Eyes)

Full transparency: If I have a chance to chuckle and make a bad pun with the title of an article, I’m going to take it. Sue me. So, when I

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Programming: The Illusion of Control

History repeats itself often. This classically happens when we aren’t aware or don’t remember what’s come before us. Yesterday’s article discussed the importance and, frankly, the inevitability of volatility in our existence.

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Volatility: Food for Growth, Guaranteed

When we sit down with prospective members for their ‘Intro Session’ we have an important contextual conversation. Part of that conversation is about defining the elements that are essential to

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DEUCE Unites to Tackle COVID-19

As a matter of civic duty, all DEUCE gym locations will be closed indefinitely. We are eager to not just face this scenario responsibly, but to put forth an effort

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