
“Cut It in Half & Master It”

I find myself reusing this maxim in the most peculiar places in life. It’s original use was a baseball team strategy at the University of San Diego. In fact, I

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Convenient or relinquishing perspective?

Whether you have a morning routine or not, surely, you can acknowledge the benefits to establishing a good habit. Automated practices afford us the ability to perform important tasks with

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DEUCE’s Intentions, Actions, Reopening

We’re placing all announcements and initiatives on hold to make space for more important issues. The message above attempts to communicate three main points in order of importance:  A MOVEMENT

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Poetic Justice

There’s a trembling vibration moving through the planet at the moment. We know remarkable change comes with discomfort and pain. As expected, this moment in history is no different. That

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Everyday Dehumanization

When you hear that term dehumanization it can feel grandiose and far away. It feels not just evil, but unrelatable. At least, those are some of the adjectives that come

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