
Be seen, behave (and breathe) better
Without anyone watching, do you put the shopping cart away? Pick up after your dog? Discard gum in the trash, not under the table? I sure hope so. These are …

DEUCE Opens Enrollment Wednesday
You know that potential energy stirring as the horses in the Kentucky Derby stand ready in their starting gate anticipating the opening of the gate? The absolute specimen thoroughbred horses …

Brain, Meet Muscles
Follow me conceptually here for a moment. If you’ve ever been under a heavy barbell, you can understand that if you perform a new personal record in the back squat …

Dog Days to Glory Days
Let me take you back to 2012. At this point, I’d had seven different dirty hoodies and four pairs of sweatpants in the back of my truck for over a …

On Sucker Free Newness
As a kid I paid attention to cars much more than the average person. It was a specific interest of mine. I’d notice and keep track of cars in my …