
One Part Mildew, One Part Presidential Moxy

I used to tell my best friend and former teammate, Luke, two things. First, that he’s remarkable. Flat out. He can get the work done and few can operate on

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DEUCE – Development for All

Hey, DEUCE Fam! Given the fact that this is my first time writing for the blog, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vinny and I’ve been enrolled as

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The One Way Street of Muscular Tension & Skill Acquisition

For years I’ve talked about a concept I’ve been calling “task specific tension” as a way to educate athletes about the spectrum of body tension needed in the system to

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Improving Fitness to Focus, Part I

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration that comes with wanting to start a task, but struggled to acquire the focus necessary to accomplish it – let alone start it –

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Frontal and Transverse Considerations

Many of the layers of our methodology can be understood by viewing training through different lenses. Imagine putting on a special pair of glasses when looking at a month of

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