
Performance on Demand

“I have to do mobility before I can lift.” “I have to sauna before I can ice.” “If I don’t have my post-workout shake I won’t recover as well.” “If

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Three Flawed Fitness Worldviews Holding America Back

Coming in just behind religion and politics, fitness (and nutrition) is a polarizing topic as any. The reason? Almost no one is content with their ability to manage their health

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The Verdict is Still Out on “Bad News”

Did you get some bad news? What if you paused for a second on your ruling the verdict on what feels like obvious negative circumstances? An ancient parable reminds us

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Injuries are devastating, and for most of us can lead to an emotional downturn in the aftermath. I have dealt with my own injuries and my most recent injury has

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RIDDLE: Something anyone can do and almost no one will

In a world where everyone on some level is extremely interested in increasing their perceived value to the world, it could feel harder than ever to stand above the rest.

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