Ronnie Lopez

Ronnie was born in Dallas, Texas but calls California home. Ronnie graduated (mathematics) and played collegiate baseball at Chapman University, where he participated in three Division III College World Series. Being part of a winning culture in college, Ronnie approaches everything post-baseball with a winner's mindset, putting high priority on "attention to detail" and "rigorous practice." He was introduced to functional movement and asked to deeply think about methods of training by Logan Gelbrich. He believes learning is never complete and the key to success as an athlete and coach is adopting a growth mindset. Ronnie is now co-owner and coach at DEUCE Athletics in Hermosa Beach and leads "Weightlifting Fundamentals," a specialty weightlifting program and coach for Project Speed: Speed and Agility Training.

DEUCE Athletics: Injuries and Cross Education

Injuries are a nightmare. They are one of the main reasons for being careful about DUI driving. As a coach, there is nothing worse, absolutely nothing worse, than seeing someone

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DEUCE Athletics: Coffee Run

Due to government mandate, we continue to be relegated to park relocation that was made possible by Big T Movers. Even under that circumstance, we find our new environment providing

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Weightlifting is a pillar of strength training that deserves a tremendous amount of attention for its high-skill, technical aspects. Aside from being the only barbell competition included in the Olympics,

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When we think about speed training, we are very interested in kinematics (joint angles) just like we all care about knee and hip action during the descent and subsequent ascent

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Hermosa Beach

Since our move to Hermosa in 2017, (previously in Torrance going back to 2014), we have spent a lot of time getting to know “The Best Little Beach City”. Not

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