Logan Gelbrich

Born in Santa Monica, Logan feels right at home coaching at DEUCE Gym. With a background in collegiate (University of San Diego) and professional (San Diego Padres) baseball, Logan is used to high performance, heavy workloads, and accountability. Luckily, Logan was blessed enough to work with world renowned strength and conditioning coaches, sports psychologists, and nutritionists during his career. It’s during this time that the seeds were sown for the belief system that led him to both the CrossFit Games and Strongman Nationals. These experiences guide his coaching today. Forever a “student of the game,” Logan is always looking to strengthen and question his understanding of humans. Today his work includes his best selling book, Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams, and diverse offerings of education in leadership and group dynamics via the 'Hold the Standard' Summit, online education, and consultancy.

How Two Venice Street Artists Squashed the Turf War

Now, this one might surprise you. First, I’ll set the stage. In the street art scene, there are some strong social norms. One, for example, is that you don’t paint

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Respectful Audacity & the Will to Back It Up

Before Dustin Padroia became a multi-time World Series Champion and Red Sox Hall of Famer, he was a motivated kid stuck in a five foot nine, hundred and forty-five foot

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Pen, Paper, and a Difference

I love small effort, big impact opportunities. If you look closely, there are arbitrage opportunities around you for the taking. You’ve heard my semi-controversial take on tipping, which essentially says

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Beethoven Finally Goes Deaf so He Can Make Great Music

I’ve got a hypothesis that might shock you. Here goes it. “Your best work might come outside of your area of strength.” Don’t get me wrong. Finding mastery and bona

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Remembering the Circle of Excellence

If asked, could you describe a time when you were standing in your highest excellence? In other words, could you recall a time where you were all-systems-go, feeling that you

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