Colton Waltner

No More Counting Reps Ever Again
That title is what we millennials like to call “Clickbait”. So trusting that I have your attention, I want you to pay close attention to this next sentence. In the …

Muddy Waters Tell Lies
I often find it intimidating watching someone truly great at their craft work. Like this new series on Netflix that I’m watching called “Drink Masters”. It’s a mixologist competition, much …

Injuries: The Road To Self-Discovery
Oftentimes I feel unqualified to be writing these blogs. Though I believe I have accumulated a lot of life experience in my short 27 years, who am I to be …

Heroism Ain’t No Accident
We use the word “hero” a lot. In real life and on the big screen we see examples of heroes all the time. And there is little in common between …

The True Judge of Character
Every day we are making judgements on people’s character. Whether it be through words in conversations or observations of others actions, we are consciously and unconsciously making assumptions and judgments. …