Colton Waltner

The Gait: Controversy Ensues
Walking. It’s one of the most essential human characteristics. Walking is how we move ourselves about this world. It is also one of the few characteristics shared amongst all cultures …

Jog Like A Marine
My college years were filled with inspirational one-liners and elaborate stories meant to teach valuable lessons by way of my head baseball coach Rich Hill. At the time, many of …

Others Mistakes: The Best Learning Tool
Mistakes are part of life and more importantly, personal growth. We make them on a daily basis and we are told that we should learn from them. Obviously I agree …

The Observer
Growing up and still to this day, I have always been the guy that hasn’t had a ton of friends. Now don’t feel bad for me because in fact, I …

There’s No Small Parts, Only Small People
I’m pretty sure the title of this blog is an old adage that people would say to make someone feel better when they didn’t get the lead role in their …