The cheapest easiest way to build your physical capacity without going harder is all in the nose. That’s right. How you breathe could be the key to your next breakthrough.
Our central nervous system and our breath have a reciprocal relationship. For example, when we exert our maximum effort we breathe maximally in and out of our mouths. If you want to test it, check your breathing while out running a worthy adversary. Now, if you laid on your back and mimicked the same over breathing in and out of the mouth that you’d do while being chased in the comfort of your living room, your central nervous system would internalize the same stress as being chased.
The opposite is true, also.
If you breathe calmly in and out of your nose, you’ll soon find yourself in a relaxed, recovery state.
You can’t be stressed if you’re breathing in and out of your nose slowly and you can’t be calm over-breathing in and out of your mouth. Period.
The body, then, has breathe gears than range from rest and recovery and low intensity to full fight, flight, and max intensity that exists as follows:
- Minimal breathing in and out of the nose.
- Vigorous in and out of the nose.
- Vigorous in the nose and out of the mouth.
- In and out of the mouth.
If you reflect on your training, you’ve likely done a lot of it breathing intuitively which is great. And, as a result, there’s great low hanging fruit in your ability to build capacity in second gear.
Instead of building max work capacity, you can increase your ability to do work in second gear and truly reserve mouth breathing for the efforts that require it.
Try it!
3/19/25 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
2 Sandbag Turkish Get-Ups (ea)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 alt DB Renagade Rows
50-Yard KB Front Rack Carry
Complete the following for time:
50 KB Swings (62/44)
50 KB Goblet Squats
50 Inverted Rows
50 Sit Ups
50 Push Ups
50 DB Step Ups (40/25)
Z-Press From Pins
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Heel Elevated KB Sotts Presses ea.
8 Offset Push Up Pluses
Then, complete 3 rounds for reps of:
In :60
6/8 Cal Bike
Max DB Front Squats (45/25)
-Rest as needed-