How to Defend Your Power with Small Habits

Does power sound metaphysical? I’m referring to your juice or whatever make you do what you do best. Defending it is arguably as important as having it in the first place. 

Prior to 2018, I didn’t have the language or perspective to understand that my ability to operate at a high level wasn’t an unlimited resource. In fact, I mistakenly aligned so intimately with my self-proclaimed blue collar, hard working, grinder mentality that I couldn’t see the edges of this strength of mine. 

I was wrong. 

This resource needs fuel and nurturing just like everything else in nature and with some self-awareness work, I’ve come to realize that if I can be in solitude with my thoughts, I can accomplish anything. If I’m around people chronically, I become useless. 

So, I made one decision that has changed my life. And, you can too! 

I’ve decided that Tuesday is my day. You cannot reach me by phone. I don’t take any meetings. And, I generally remove myself from my normal environment. 

Defending Tuesday has allowed me to be an absolute murderer of life the other six days of the week. Ironically, what I end up doing for much of Tuesday is what most people would call a full work day. But, to me it feels like a vacation. 

The details of what this looks like for you will be aligned with you, your needs, and what restores you. Those details matter less than your defense of what recharges you. 

On guard!

3/11/25 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
4 Strict Presses

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Rollbacks + Max Close Grip DB Floor Press
16 Alt DB Renegade Rows
40-Yard 1-Arm KB Bottoms Up Carry

40 KB Swings (53/44)
20 KB Goblet Squats
7th Street Corner Run



Stiff Leg Deadlifts

Split Squats ea. @RPE 9

Then, 4-4 @ top weight

Then, AMRAP 10:
40 Alt. Reverse Lunges
20 Squats
200m Run