Incompetency Isn’t the Boogeyman We’ve Made It to Be

I used to watch my older family members shut down when undertaking a computer task they’ve never tried before. “I don’t know how to connect this new scanner,” they might say. 

“I don’t either, but we’ll figure it out.” 

My response could have been nicer. What’s important, though, is I’ve realized we’ve normalized a certain feeling in adulthood that is misleading. The feeling I’m referring to is competency

When did the standard become that we must be competent in everything that we do?

In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that if you know how to do everything you’re doing that is a signal that you’re not exploring enough. 

Let’s hope in your recent history and your recent future that you were specifically doing something you had no idea how to do. If not, you know what to do next…

3/10/25 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
14 Alt Front Rack Reverse Lunges

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 DB Zercher Good Mornings
8 DB Goblet Roller Lateral Lunges (ea)
:30 Coppenhagen Plank Hold

Min 1: 8 Chin Ups
Min 2: 12 alt Lateral Push Ups
Min 3: :30 Max Double Unders



Push Press @ ~92.5-95%

Complete 3 rounds for quality of
8 Midstance Bent Over DB Rows (ea)
90-95% Max Push Ups

Then, complete the following for time
DB Shoulder-to-Overhead (50/35)
Up Downs