Do you need to Get Your Sh*t Together…?

SO… here’s the deal.

It’s been a rough start to 2025 here in California. The world’s been pretty dysregulating & the best, most helpful way to get through challenging times is by controlling the things you can control.. & leaving the rest up to the universe 😉

One thing you CAN take more control over is your health habits

Ie. what time you go to bed, how much water you drink, if you show up to your training session or not, how much protein you eat each day.

These habits are simple, but simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy.  Most people aren’t getting enough sleep, water, movement, protein, self-care… the list goes on.

We’ve designed a 6-Week ‘Get Your Sh*t Together’ Course, to give you the foot up the butt & accountability you need to help do exactly that.

You will get Coach Jess & Coach Ben in your pocket (basically) helping keep you on track to the habits you know you need to get better at, for 6 weeks to re-kick start your 2025!

We start next week.


2/21/25 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 1 1/4 Strict Presses

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 DB Bird Dog Row (ea)
8 DB Skullcrushers + 12 DB Close Grip Floor Press
40-Yard DB Fat Grip Carry

Complete 5 rounds for reps
:45 Max Lateral Plyo Box
— Rest 1:30 —



Front Squat

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
16 Alt. DB Death Marches
80% Max Push Ups

Then. in teams of 4, with one partner working at a time:
100′ Keg Carry
10 Cal Bike