Welcome to December! Crazy, right? Despite time seemingly moving into warp speed, there’s one great thing about the year coming to a close.
Reflection is a key part of development.
One of the biggest mistakes any of us can make is to live a life without reflection and what better time to take inventory than at the naturally occurring reminder that is the end of the year?
Need a way to take inventory? A simple framework to examine is the Keep, Start, Stop framework. On a blank piece of paper, create three columns titled Keep, Start, and Stop respectively. The next step is a brainstorming session to list what about your lifestyle you would like to keep, what new things you’d like to start, and what should be trimmed.
Try it and let me know how you go!
12/2/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
10 Wide Supine Grip Lat Pull Down
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Cable Tricep Pull Downs
:40 OH DB Marches
Complete the following for time:
8 alt. Rounds
8 1- Arm KB Swing (53/35)
6 1-Arm KB Front Squat
4 1-Arm KB Push Press
(Left then right)
Deadlift @-15% of top set
Then, AMRAP 7
21 Squats
14 Slam Balls