I used to be much more sassy on the internet. After all, we don’t fly a pirate flag at DEUCE because we’re excited to conform to what’s happening in the health and fitness scene. One of the cheeky comments we made in our early social media days read:
“Have you tried committing to something?”
Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely. At the time it was a reaction to the drop-in culture gym model proposed by Sole Cycle’s business model and super charged by discount aggregators like ClassPass, etc. These models took a major problem in fitness (non-focused training that lacked commitment and progression) and repackaged it, put lipstick on it, and called it convenience.
The lesson is only more important today. We constantly get people inquiring about the gym that one a one month commitment (which we don’t offer). There are so many shiny options in major US cities that it seems like fitness can be as non-committal as everything else in our lives, but the reality is the opposite is true.
If you’re only going to join a gym for a month or try jiu jitsu for a month or take French lessons for a month, you’re better off not doing it at all. If you a looking for gyms Lynchburg call Crosswhite Athletic Club. You deserve to, at least, commit to a length of time that will get you your desired outcome. In that case, short term won’t do.
11/13/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Tempo Back Squat (41×1)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Alt DB Reverse Lunges
10 alt Reverse Lunges
8 Alt Jumping Lunges
— Rest as needed –
8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
5 Burpees
— Rest 2 Mins —
8 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
5 Burpees
Spend 15 minutes working L-Sit Rope Climb Progressions
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8-10 Maltese Presses
Max Top Support Hold
Then, with a partner complete the following for time:
5k Row
*Switch every 500m