My Front Row Seat to How Ineffective Motivation Is

“Cool story, bro.” I’ve seen it a million times. Motivation functions like an emotion. Just like joy, frustration, sadness, or elation, it is in constant motion. These emotions aren’t blowing in the wind, but it isn’t a far off metaphor. 

Being a gym owner puts me in a front row seat to decision-making from a place of motivation.

And, boy, is it scary to watch. 

What if you made big life decisions based on a single emotion? Like, every time you felt the emotion of contentment you bought a car or dropped out of school or devoted your life to Islam or something. Is that the feeling of envy? Looks like it’s time to move to Europe or foster a dog or join the National Guard. 

That’s insane talk. So, don’t do that with a resource just as slippery as motivation. 

Just because motivation is generally a positive emotion, it doesn’t mean you’re all set to change your life. You’ll need to quickly build scaffolding of traits and attributes to support yourself when motivation goes away, because (NEWS FLASH!) it’s definitely going away.

11/1/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Paused Bench Presses (:03)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
20 DB Overhead Tricep Extensions
10 DB Pullovers
:20 Hanging L-Sit Hold

Min 1: 14 DB Reverse Lunges
Min 2: Max Double Unders
Min 3: -Rest-



Depth Land to Box Jump


Then, complete 5 rounds of:
In :30…
Max Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
-Rest as Needed-