If you answer these two questions, you might improve your life shockingly fast with little effort. Beware, it will sound silly, but make it like a game and play along. Deal?
Okay, here it goes.
I’ve given you some early release AI software and when you turn it on you’ll be able to automate anything and everything in your life. But, you probably wouldn’t want it to automate everything, so what’s what?
What would you have the robot software automate?
What would you keep for yourself to do and experience?
Spoiler alert! You aren’t actually going to be able to automate everything on your list tomorrow, but if you make the list long enough it is very informative.
I’ve coached consulting clients with this question and the point isn’t to actualize the list.
That’s idealistic. It’s to use the list to tap into your inner wisdom and give you agency. The best thing to do when you’re feeling run down and overwhelmed is to wave a magic wand and miraculously fix it all. The second best thing is to take action on something (no matter how small), because the feeling agency is the antidote to victimhood.
10/29/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Hip Thruster
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 1-Leg Roller Hamstring Curls (ea)
10 DB Bulgarian Split Squats (ea)
10-12 Evil Wheels
Complete the following for time:
Alt DB Snatches (50/30)
Push Ups
2 Position Deadlift
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Supine Med Ball GHD Hold
16 Alt. Cossack Squats
Then, AMRAP 8
8 OH Reverse Lunges – Left (50/35)
8 OH Reverse Lunges – Right
200m Run