Social Circles, Alignment, and Pruning

Can you name the silos in your life? You know, sometimes we have a friend group and a work group and a family-time group. You might have a bucket of friends that only makes sense when you’re all together, because you went to grad school together. 

With so many different parts in our lives and interests, it’s quite easy for these silos to emerge. I notice it from a coaching perspective when I see folks at the gym integrating beautifully with their classmates, but struggle immensely outside of the gym because their core friend group isn’t values aligned to gym life, for example. 

It might be time to take inventory. 

When you scan the different buckets of social circles in your life, I want to ask a simple question. Are these different groups aligned with who you really are and what you really care about? 

If not, you can understand (at least hypothetically) how detrimental this might be to your development. Remember, the best way to grow a rose bush requires pruning. 

10/21/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Paused Back Squats (:03)

Complete 3 Rounds for Quality:
10 Front Foot Elevated DB Split Squats (ea)
5 Partner GHR’s

Every 4 minutes for 4 rounds,
complete the following for decreasing time:
10 Push Up
10 DB Power Clean (50/35)
40 Double Unders



2 Position Deadlift

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Coppenhagen Plank (ea)
16 Alt. Cossack Squats

21 KB Swings (53/35)
14 Goblet Squats
7 Burpees