Space Available: Strongman 101

How many times in life can you look back and say, “Wow! I did that!” Strongman 101 might be the most remarkable training experience in Los Angeles. Not only is the training discipline extremely rare and hard to find, it’s wildly fun! 

There is not a more fun way to get strong. 

Starting September 30th, eight local men and women will take on an 8-week course that teaches the atlas stone load, tire flip, keg press, and so much more! One of those lucky eight people can be you!

Curious? Email now!

9/26/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

4 Rounds
3 Front Squats

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Renegade Rows
12 Alternating Seated KB Presses

Minute 1: 12 DB Split Squats (total)
Minute 2: 6 Devils Presses
Minute 3: :40 Hollow Hold



Find a heavy Sandbag to Shoulder

Complete 3 rounds for time of:
100′ Sandbag Carry
:45 Sandbag Gut Hold

Then, EMOM 12:
Odd: 15 KB Swings (70/53)
Even: 12 Rotational Medball Slams