The ‘No Look’ Method Fails (Again)

I used to hate looking at my bank accounts. Going through the financial woes of doing a startup is pretty tough on any checking account. So, I created a remarkable coping strategy..

I’d never look at it! 

Problem solved. Ignorance is bliss, baby. Rather than stress about the reality of the balance, I’d just have no clue. Smart, right?

Okay, not so much. 

I’m not here to give financial advice, but I am here to give nutrition advice that you (likely) didn’t ask for. This is the classic coping strategy of folks who struggle with their nutrition. Ignorance, as it turns out, isn’t bliss. 

Most people simply don’t know what they are or are not eating in a day. And, my professional opinion is, you’re likely way off. Unless you’ve measured this kind of thing before, I’ll say that your (over)confidence in what you think you’re eating is correlated with how far off you likely are about this.

There’s one way to find out.  

9/20/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

4 Rounds
6 Goblet Hold Lateral Rotational Lunge

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Barbell RDL’s
:30 Starfish Hold (ea)

5 Rounds for time:
5 Barbell Thrusters(135/85)
7th Street Corner Run
6 Push-ups



Find a heavy single High Bar Back Squat

Then, AMRAP 12:
10 DB Hang Power Cleans (45/30)
30 DB Front Squats
-Rest 1:00-