Linkin Park, an Oscar Nominated Film, and Kicking Snowballs

Remember Linkin Park? The famous rock band lost its lead singer, Chester Bennington, to suicide in 2017. Well, they are back with a new lead singer! 

Of course, there’s no shortage of controversy about this revelation, but according to the band, they feel remarkable about the decision. Like most big decisions, it’s quite easy to get stuck in a volley of back-and-forth ideating. This is how we get frozen! 

Then, someone kicks the snowball down the hill. 

Thank goodness for Snowball Kickers. We might need to workshop the name, but hear me out. For Linkin Park, the band was approached to do a series of shows. They weren’t “ready” yet, but the shows were a “now or never” moment that pushed the band into action. 

This is exactly how a good friend of mine got his Oscar nominated film done. An A-List actor heard his pitch and agreed to star in it. He found his Snowball Kicker and the rest is history. 

In my own life, I greatly benefited from a Snowball Kicker. 

After appearing on a very popular podcast, a gym owner in Spain named Kitcho Evangelista reached out to me with a proposition. I knew I had much to say about leadership and organizational design and a desire to level up my impact in the world. Kitcho reached out and forced me to formulate a seminar in Spain that would become the Hold the Standard Summit. This two day course on adaptive leadership has been a massive growth moment for my life, it’s taken me around the world, and been a huge source of financial growth for me. 

Thank goodness for Snowball Kickers. 

What’s interesting is that for Linkin Park, the shows that forced their commitment to go ahead with the band and a new lead singer ultimately didn’t happen. For my friend, the A-Lister dropped out and the film got made anyway. And, the format of my first seminar in Spain was scrapped for a new format immediately. Yet, the snowball was rolling down the hill in all three cases towards unstoppable progress and motivation. 

I’d venture to guess that there’s at least one project that you have that needs a kick start. I dare you! 

9/18/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

4 Rounds
10 Yates Rows

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 DB Bent Over Reverse Fly’s
8 Bottoms Up KB Presses (ea)
:45 Weighted Plank

4 Rounds for time:
10 Double KB Swings (44/26)
30 Double Unders
15 Jump Squats
7th Street Corner Run



Make 3 attempts for load of a 50′ Bent Over Arm-Over-Arm Sled Pull

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
3 Eccentric Bar Muscle Ups
15 PVC Hollow Rocks

Then, complete 4 rounds for time:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
200m Run
-Rest 2:00-