If you ask someone from Los Angeles this question, I’ll bet you $1000 that you know the answer: “Want to come to dinner next Thursday?”
Welcome to Non-Commitment Nation and Los Angeles is the capital. The theories about why this is are endless. Some say there’s so much happening in LA that the opportunity cost of missing something “better” keeps people from making (and holding) a commitment. Others say it’s just the superficial people or a “sign of the times.” Maybe it’s social media’s fault?
Los Angeles is the World Series of bailing on plans.
Yet, here we are with a business idea. What we’re selling is difficult, long term, nothing new… oh, and it’s expensive. I sometimes laugh (or cry) at the thought of it.
Training with us starts with a three month commitment. Frankly, if you can’t commit to training for years, maybe just skip it all together. That’s my advice, but saying that isn’t good for business.
Here at DEUCE we have to convince men and women to engage in the well-documented, mundane road to excellence for their fitness and it’s an uphill battle in this town. Rumor has it, they give out medals to folks who hold on to dinner reservations in this city.
Most fitness businesses get around this commitment issue with novelty.
“It’s not yoga, it’s yoga with goats and a DJ that recently played lollapalooza,” they’ll say. Or, “You’ve done HIIT, but have you done silent disco HIIT with a custom LED lighting package?!”
Meanwhile, the godfathers of strength and conditioning are rolling over in their graves wondering when people will realize the last three fads they tried are being repeated in the market right before their eyes and they’ve got no results to show for the hundreds of $40 drop-ins they’ve accumulated along the way. The best part about it is the customer is grateful for the means to their avoidance of what’s true. Eventually, to drive physical adaptation, you’ll have to do something that will do such a thing.
Los Angeles needs to get off Tinder and dice rolling on ClassPass and spend the next four years progressing something real. Play the classics, kids. You’ll get strong and fit. I promise you can get your LED disco fix at the Penmar, instead.
9/11/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
4 Rounds
10 Yates Rows
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Wide Grip Inverted Rows
15 Banded W’s
12 Weighted Body Saws
5 Rounds for time:
10 Double KB Swings(71/53)
1 Bull Run
Paused Foot Elevated Ring Rows
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
4-8 Eccentric Dip Pluses (42X1)
100′ Double Overhead KB Carry
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
500m Row
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups