Most leaders are suffering in silence. But, this isn’t just cumbaya, either. Most leaders are suffering from facing challenges that they don’t have the capacity to solve. Because of these facts, leaders need more of at least two things:
- Connection with people who can relate (because most can’t), and
- A path for leadership development (beyond the technical)
The connection piece is obvious to leaders. Leaders are surrounded by people, yet they feel isolated because the experience of leadership cannot be artificially empathized with.
As the kids say, “IYKYK.”
The development piece is the one I’m most passionate about. Someone can teach you sales tactics (and they probably should), but the fact of the matter is that it’s still you on the other end of the phone selling.
The problem with technical training is that it is necessary but not sufficient.
Most people don’t have a strategy for the adaptive growth needed to step into the emerging demands of leadership.
ENTER: Leadership Laboratory
It’s a private group of men and women in leadership from aspiring solopreneurs, tenured corporate managers, marketing executives, professional sport coaches, and business owners from around the world. The group is limited to 100 students who receive:
- A short weekly newsletter with a concept and actions to take,
- A private Telegram group, and
- Optional recorded monthly mentorship calls
- Annual in-person event
Curious to see what’s happening in the Leadership Laboratory? Try your two-week free trial!
9/9/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Make 4 attempts at
2 Clean Pulls
1 Power Clean
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
2 Wrist Rolls
15 Overhead DB Tricep Extensions
5 Rounds for time:
8 DB Push Presses (50/35)
30 Double Unders
50 Yard 1-Arm KB Farmers Carry (62/44)
Every :90 for 10 Efforts:
1 Power Snatch @75-80%
Every :90 for 10 Efforts:
1 Power Clean and Jerk @75-80%
Then, EMOM 10:
Odd: 30 KB Swings (70/53)
Even: 8 Banded Midstance Reach and Rows ea.