Outlawing Movement Patterns is Sketchier Than the Alternative

Want some drama? I’ll say it as frankly as possible. Writing off movement patterns as “not for you” is much more about you than it is the movement. 

Being a fitness professional means I’m a target for heat seeking missiles of stories about what people’s bodies should and shouldn’t do. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard, “I don’t squat, because I have a knee thing” we’d have gold toilets at DEUCE. If I had a nickel for everytime I’ve heard, “I don’t deadlift because I have a back thing” those gold toilets would be stocked with cash for toilet paper. 

When I hear about these basic, fundamental movement patterns that folks have decided to write off forever, what I really want to say back is, “..but, you do. You ‘deadlift’ and ‘squat’ all the time. Just generally not well and in an uncontrolled environment.”

That seems sketchy if you ask me. 

Rather than give up your agency by outlawing certain movement patterns in the gym based on the false pretense that they are avoidable in the first place, why not treat the gym like it is? The gym is a laboratory to explore movement in a controlled manner. It’s a much better place to learn how to hinge pain-free than the countless places in your regular life where your back will only be more of a liability. 

Remember: movements don’t hurt people, the mover does. 

9/3/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

E2MOM for 16 Minutes
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
2 Wrist Rolls
15 Overhead DB Tricep Extensions

Minute 1: 6 Dips
Minute 2: 8 Arnold Presses
Minute 3: :40 Max Ball Slams




DB Bulgarian Split Squat

Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
5 Pull Ups
20 KB Swings (70/53)
40 Double Unders