How Humans Rig the Judgement Game

No one likes to be judged. We’re often happy to judge others, though, aren’t we? I don’t intend to be mean with that opening thought. I actually think humans mean extremely well. Much of our positive intent gone wrong is subconscious, so I figured I’d put a spotlight on a favorite hidden human habit (say that ten times fast) of mine. 

We judge ourselves based on our intentions. We judge others based on the result of their actions. 

Talk about gaming the system! We’ll win that game every time. And, guess who is the bad guy? Everyone else. How convenient

Well, now you know what you’re capable of. What are you going to do about it? 

8/29/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

4 Rounds
8 Pendlay Rows

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Wide Inverted Rows
15 Weighted Body Saws
12 Zottman Curls

For time:
50 HR Push-ups
1 Block Run
50 HR Push-ups
1 Block Run



Make 4 attempts of the following complex with a Circus Dumbell:
1 Clean
1 Push Presses
3 Push Jerks

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 KB Windmills – Left
6 KB Windmills – Right

Then, complete 3 Rounds for time of:
40 Alt Reverse Lunges
20 Air Squats
16 Athletic Burpees