Would You Recognize the Path if You Were On It?

If you’re halfway decent at making things happen, you likely have an ability to envision the future. If you’ve ever dreamed or imagined some future reality, you are in business. Whether you officially call it visualization or not, that’s the skill you’re deploying. And, that, my friends, is high performance stuff. 

There’s more to it than that. 

Consider seeing your target future or goal outcome the Starter Kit to success. The next level of mental savagery is anticipating and seeing what the process to get there might look like. In fact, I find that many folks struggle to accomplish lofty goals (or even start their pursuit) because they wouldn’t recognize the road to get there even if they were on it! 

My college hitting coach, Jay Johnson, is now the head coach of LSU’s prestigious baseball program. It’s the best job in college baseball chalk full with a multi-million dollar salary, endless resources, and access to the best players in the world. 

If you saw his road to this prestigious position, though, you’d likely get thrown off of the scent. I fear many young coaches in his exact position earlier in his career would be certain that this wasn’t the road to the top. Nonetheless, it was. 

Often the road to our goals include realities that aren’t just absent of the cool lifestyle and perks of accomplishing your goal. It’s worse than that.

Get clear on the path so you don’t miss it when it’s under your feet.

8/27/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Make 5 attempts of the following complex for max load:
2 Clean Pulls
1 Power Clean

4 Rounds for time:
7th Street corner run
6 Manmakers (40/20)
7th Street corner run
8 Devils Presses




DB Bulgarian Split Squat (ea)

Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
30 Alt Lateral Plyo Skier Hops
10 DB Front Squats (70/50)