How You Explain Your Past Will Create Your Future

If someone describes themselves as being super into manifestation, you might want to run the other way. It’s not that manifesting is all BS, it’s just that most of it is lacking the part where you take action. I didn’t read The Secret and I’m not a big Tony Robbins fan, so it’s confusing to me that I want to say what I’m about to say so passionately. 

Well, here goes nothing…

Self-limiting beliefs will ruin your life.

There I said it. And, what’s more interesting than that is how goddamn prevalent these mentalities are. I rarely make it more than a couple of days before hearing a grown man or woman verbally writing their future for the worse. 

The trouble is that these self-limiting beliefs are often disguised as truths about something else outside of you. The most common way I see this show up is my favorite way to understand somebody.

It’s simple.  

Listen to how you and others explain their troubles. It’s wildly powerful one way or another and it usually breaks down to two choices: one with agency and one without. If you explain your failures as due to something outside of your control, you’re doomed. And, I’ll stand by that statement no matter how true it might be that you were a victim. It might feel good to explain away your short comings, but what you give up in the process is your ability to meet your best future. 


8/26/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

4 Rounds
6 Heel Elevated Landmine Goblet Squats

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 LM Staggered RDL’s (ea)
24 Baby Bear Pass Throughs
:25 Captain Morgans (ea)

3 Rounds for time:
1 Bull Run
12 DB Front Squats (40/25)
1 Bull Run
12 Alternating DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges



Every :90 for 8 efforts, complete 1 Power Snatch

Then, AMRAP 16
10 Slam Balls
30 Alt DB Snatches (50/35)
400m Run