Sorta-Kinda-Maybe Things vs. the Rest

How do you like your temperature? Your answer, in this case, is literally by degree. Different people will fall in a slightly different place on a  spectrum of answers. Like spicy food? Same concept. There’s some kind of spectrum from sorta-spicy, spicy, very spicy, to now-my-mouth-is-injured spicy. You get the idea.

Your bedroom can be sorta clean. 

I was reminded yesterday morning in my jiu jitsu practice that not everything is (or should) be treated as a sliding scale. Violence is either all the way on or all the way off. You don’t sorta so violence and if you do, you’ll likely pay a price for it. It’s an extreme case, but there’s a lesson here for all of us. 

You shouldn’t sorta get in a fist fight. 

Take inventory in your life. Are you doing a tempered version of something that should be a simple “all in” or “all out” type of effort? Chances are you are doing this and you know what needs to change. 

Do it. 

8/14/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 3 rounds of the following:
4 Power Cleans

Complete the following for time:
7th Street Hill Run
80 KB Swings (71/53)
6th Street Hill Run
40 alt KB Goblet Reverse Lunges
Bull Run
20 Athletic Burpees



Make 3 attempts for load of a 100′ Farmer’s Carry

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Chin Ups
:20 Top Support Hold

Then, AMRAP 9:
30 Alt Reverse Lunges
20 KB Swings (70/53)
10 Slam Balls