What are your words worth? Hypothetically, imagine breaking down on the dollar value of each word you spoke.
It’s an interesting self-reflection.
If you follow the metaphor to the end, you start to wonder if everything you said today was worth $1000, then speaking 100,000 words would, in theory, cheapen the value of each word compared to the same day of $1000 language spoken in 10,000 words.
It’s not a science, but this thinking proves a point. In Coach’s Prep, we talk often about the economy of language. I’d venture to bet that no great teacher says everything they know about a topic. After all, that’d be a sure fire way to lose the audience, take way too much time, and remain incredibly inefficient.
On some level, great teachers communicate more by saying less than their peers.
If you’re bringing a certain amount of value with your words each day, consider the challenge of bringing the same value (or more) with less words.
8/13/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
12 Split Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
10 Roller Hamstring Curls
20 alt KB Quadruped Pass Throughs
Min 1: 12 DB Snatches
Min 2: 15 Fat Grip Inverted Rows
Min 3: :30 Max Double Unders
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 3-Way Partner Medball Series
Then, every 4:30 minutes for 4 rounds, complete the following for time:
200m Run
9 Devil’s Presses (50/35)