Which is it? Should we chase objective outcome-based goals and desires like a body change or a new lift record? Or, should we give those up to fall in love with the process and give up attachment to outcomes?
RED FLAG: either/or statements
From a non-dual perspective, we’d have to first examine the words “good” and “bad” as descriptors in the first place. Without going full philosophy class on this, I’ll say that. It doesn’t matter what goals you have. The truest truth is likely an inclusive one. Both/and tends to trump either/or.
In fact, the best strategy if you want great objective outcomes in the gym is likely to fall in love and focus on the processes. Conversely, if you are just here for the process, you’ll likely have a richer experience if you can include objective milestones to bring context to your process.
8/9/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
4 Power Cleans
With a partner, complete the following in 16 minutes
Block Run
Then, AMRAP…
12 alt DB Snatches (50/30)
6 Burpee-Over-DB
7th Street Corner Run
Paused High Bar Back Squat
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Banded KB Swings
:20 Copenhagen Plank ea.
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
400m Run
-Rest as needed-