Let’s call it what it is. You can train at a gym or alone. You can eat Paleo, perfect macros, Pescatarian, Vegan, or follow the Mediterranean diet. You can train heavy, do yoga, or both.
But, if you don’t do what you need to do, none of it matters.
After fifteen years of coaching people, I’ve observed the following dynamic over and over and over again: people will give up on themselves 1000 times before they give up on others.
If you want insurance against your hardest to crack habits of quitting, falling off, and not doing what you need to do, the solution is simple. Get people in your life that won’t accept that from you.
Problem solved.
7/29/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Make 4 attempts of the following complex for max load:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
3 Clean Pulls @ 105-110%
Complete 4 rounds rounds for reps
In :60…
Max Double Unders
— Rest 2:00 —
Every :90 for 15 rounds, complete the following for load:
1 Power Snatch
Then, complete 2 rounds for time of:
30 DB Box Step Overs (35/20)
800m Run