OPINION: Movement Optimistic Worldview Could Drive New Generation

The issues our future generations will face in an increasingly digital world are significant and deserve our respect and attention. Young boys and girls are facing a world of increasingly disillusioned worldviews around body image, confidence, effort, and resilience to name a few. 

Children who have a worldview that is inclusive of long, arduous physical pursuits might be most fit to navigate these future challenges. Worldview shaping experiences regarding physicality start with modeling

Children need to see examples of positive physical practices. 

Children with parents who train, practice martial arts, or regularly engage in physical hobbies are more likely to explore these habits. Given the alternative, we’d likely benefit from living in a world where our young girls and boys lift weights, tumble, and train jiu jitsu. 

Can you imagine?

7/22/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Floor Presses

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Tate Presses
:30 Kneeling KB Bottoms Up Hold (ea)
50-Yard Farmers Carry

Complete 3 rounds for time:
8 DB Curtis P’s (45/25)
Bull Run



EMOM 15,
2 Tempo Power Snatches

Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
4 KB Snatches – Left (53/35)
8 Alt. 1-Arm KB OH Reverse Lunges -Left
4 KB Snatches – Right
8 Alt 1-Arm KB OH Reverse Lunges – Right
-Rest :90-