[WATCH] Defining a Point of View

Most people don’t have clarity on what they believe about the world. Organizations are worse. Whether you take this lesson as an individual or through the perspective of an organization, doing this exercise will affect limitless details about your life going forward from how to communicate powerfully in the world and rallying a team around you to what your marketing voice is and creating value in a competitive industry. 

You can’t speak powerfully in the world if you don’t know who you are. 

Developing our nonprofit, DEUCE Community Inc., has introduced me to limitless remarkable people. Some of the standouts come from our partners at Stand Together Foundation who first taught me about crafting a point of view (POV). 

According to them, your point of view is the unique way in which you view the world. As a leader in this group, you may need to do this exercise with your personal brand (yourself) in mind, the department you manage, or the brand you own. Here’s a brainstorm list from DEUCE™ about our point of view:

I thought including the original notebook felt romantic, but if you can’t read my chicken scratch you can read the initial start to our brainstorm below:

  • People can change
  • Disconfirming information drives change
  • Trust & willingness are paramount in high-performance teams
  • Leadership is a choice
  • Fitness is (almost) free
  • The fitness industry is mostly silly
  • Movement is a skill
  • Fitness = work capacity
  • We believe in abundance (in the world)
  • DEUCE Community Inc = DEUCE Gym
  • All people have unrealized potential
  • A positive customer experience is critical to realizing their potential
I can’t underscore the importance of having a more clearly defined view of the world, especially if you have a team. Take the time to make this non-hypothetical. Put real pen to paper. Be controversial. Share your hot takes. Be different.

You’ll thank me later.

7/18/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 DB Tempo Floor Presses (41×1)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Ring Y’s
12 Landmine Bent Over Row
10 Plank + KB Saw (ea)

Complete 4 rounds for time:
20 KB Swings (71/53)
10 Athletic Burpees
Bull Run



Paused Bench Press

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Close Grip DB Floor Presses
10 Trap 3 Raises – Left
10 Trap 3 Raises – Right

Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
10 Jump Squats
30 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops