What two things do CEOs, agency managers, MLB coaches, and aspiring entrepreneurs have in common? Firstly, leaders are suffering. Second, they all find growth in something called the Leadership Laboratory. It’s often an isolating existence to be in leadership and the Leadership Laboratory is a private and diverse group of leaders from around the world. Inside the group, participants learn expansive leadership concepts, share and correspond with each other, engage in mentorship calls, and every so often have an in-person event.
Let’s make a (real life) memory!
The first Leadership Lab ‘Global Gathering’ is coming to Los Angeles this August will feature both expansive learning time and relaxing social fun. Leaders will learn from a soon-to-be-announced special, world-renown guest speaker on Saturday August 24th and enjoy the Dodger Game that evening! A social brunch will close out the event Sunday.
This opportunity is limited to Leadership Lab participants, so get involved! You can start your FREE Trial now!
7/9/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
5 High Hang Power Clean
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Dimmels
8 KB Front Rack Box Step Throughs (ea)
40-Yard DB Fat Grip Carry
5 Sandbag Squats (180/125)
7th Street Corner Run
Tempo Box Squat (42X1)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Tempo Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
20 Alt DB Plank Pull-Throughs
Then, AMRAP 6
12 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
6 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar