Egyptians Everywhere Applaud DEUCE Towel Thread Count

We might need to fact check that title, but it’s what we heard, okay? Two things are true around here:

  1. Summer is definitely here, and
  2. The towel is soft. 

Our latest drop is a much needed DEUCE Gym Skull Beach Towel. As usual, it’s limited edition and holds the highest standard. Get yours NOW!


6/25/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 DB Bulgarian Split Squats (ea)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Goblet Curtsy Lunges (ea)
15 Roller Hamstring Curls
:20 Baby Bear Hold

4 Rounds
In :90
Bull run
Max Sandbag Load
– Rest 3:00 –



Make 3 attempts of a Triple Broad Jump for distance

Tempo Power Clean

Then, complete 4 rounds for calories of:
:90 Bike or Row
-4:30 Active Recovery Bike or Row-