Nonprofit Boasts Remarkable Success Metrics

Since 2020, our nonprofit, DEUCE Community, has been helping those who are system, substance, and housing impacted navigate life on the other side of their lived experience.

Our core belief has always been that overcoming the gap between where we are and where we want to be is life’s highest aim. While our programs have evolved to better serve the needs of our students, all that we do is guided by our drive to help our students bridge the space between reality and potential. 

Our initial programs were run with the limited funds and abundant optimism we had at our disposal. They were held in parking lots, parks, institutional facilities, and, notably, a rundown warehouse in Chinatown.

Since then, DEUCE Community has evolved to include paid staff, transitional housing, corporate partnerships, a youth division, and an array of educational and leadership programs that serve the needs of our students. We are proud of our expansion but remain most proud of our impact on the lives of those in our programs. 

Ninety-five percent of students surveyed in our program reported feeling empowered to overcome barriers. 

For individuals pushing towards great things from a deficit, increased self-efficacy makes all the difference.

We’re able to create this impact by taking a relationship-based approach to our work. We build trust with our students and place them in environments where they’re loved and believed in. As a result of this, they begin to change the way they view themselves. This makes new realities possible. 

You can support and further this impact by attending our biggest community fundraiser of the year, our Tattoo Pop-Up Dinner. All proceeds from the event go to support our case management and housing programs. All individuals who have received case management and navigation services from us feel that we’ve had a transformational effect on their lives.

At the dinner, you’ll be seated next to our students and get something better than statistics taken off a survey. You’ll get to hear their stories firsthand. 

Get your ticket HERE before they sell out.

6/20/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Staggered Stance Landmine Press (ea)

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8-10 Pull Ups
12 DB JM Presses
10-12 Body Saws

40 Double Unders
10 Jump Squats
7th St Corner run



Find a heavy Stone Load (50/48)

Then, complete the following for time:
100 Reverse Lunges
50 Athletic Burpees
25 Pull Ups
1 Mile Run