High Agency Fatigue

We love high agency ideas. Agency, in this context, is referring to one’s ability to act and make choices autonomously. Said differently, “high agency” is the opposite of the position of victim. 

As of writing, our marquee sign outside the gym reads, “Honk if you’re tired.” Let me tell you. With ~51,000 cars driving past each day, we get a ton of honks. It’s mostly funny, but then I had a thought. 

We’re adults… of course, we’re tired. 

We’re all tired. That’s the joke, afterall. Most of us adults aren’t tired from our own choosing, though. We have a fatigue that creeps up on us from endless days of tasks. At the gym, we have the opportunity to choose our fatigue. You get to pick why you’re so tired. 

If you’re over thirty-five years old, you’re probably going to be tired all the time. Why not make it (at least partially) from exercise?

5/24/24 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following
8 Strict Presses

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Weighted Dips
10 DB Floor Presses
8 Landmine Rotations (ea)

Min 1: 15 Fat Bar Inverted Rows
Min 2: 12 alt KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Min 3: :30 Max Lateral Plyo Boxes



Front Squat

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 Paused Front Foot Elevated Split Squats with Plantarflexion – Left
6 Paused Front Foot Elevated Split Squats with Plantarflexion – Right

Then, AMRAP 8
20 KB Swings (70/53)
200m Run