It’s easy to lose the plot. You love training in the gym and soon you forget why you do it. Here’s your reminder that the point of training at the gym is to make your life outside of the gym better.
Life is our sport.
DEUCE Apparel has made leaps in the last two years on the quality of our products. We’re committed to not having folks wash their cars with our shirts and taking bags of our products to Goodwill every year.
The Lifestyle Games drop includes a unisex tee and unisex hoodie that will last for years with a message that we’re proud of. Every four years, the summer Olympic Games come to remind us about physical excellence. For us, however, life is our sport.
4/19/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
10 Reverse Lunges
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 DB Toe Elevated RDLs
8 Landmine Lateral Lunge (ea)
50yd KB Suitcase Carry
Minute 1:12 Supinated Inverted Rows
Minute 2: 8 Depth Push Ups
Minute 3 :40 Max Double Unders
Complete 4 attempts at the following complex for load:
2 Push Press, 3 Push Jerk
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Strict Pullups
Max Banded Pushups
Then, complete 5 Rounds for reps of:
in :45…
Alt. DB Hang Clean and Jerk (60/40)
-Rest 2:15-