Skill development tends to follow a certain progression. This was first brought to our attention from our friend, Carl Paoli, whose career in coaching is unmatched. In his, Simple-Complex-Simple progression we can see the process of skill-based mastery unfold.
If things feel complex right now, you’re in the messy middle.
Let’s think about weightlifting, for example. The desire may start with a simple premise. “I want to clean and jerk 200lbs,” one might say. Simple enough, right?
Things, then, start to get complex. Once you begin to understand how to put a 200-pound barbell over your head, you learn all of the intricacies. The complexity is dramatic when you take into account the proper grip, the coordination of the transition from extension to the receiving position, the footwork, the training plan that would get you there, nutrition, how much mobility is required, the rules of the lift, etc etc.
Now, place yourself at a masterful level of weightlifting. Do you think any great weightlifter is thinking about the details and choreography above? No. They think simple thoughts again like “patience” or to “be aggressive.”
When you wanted to learn to drive, it started as a simple concept. “I want to drive.” And, then you learned the complexity of the skill to the point where you now drive simply again. The examples continue forever.
Now that you know how the progression works, you can trust the muddy middle and the feelings of overwhelm while you’re inside of it. Furthermore, you’ll soon be able to be less mechanical, clear your mind, and keep it simple.
Carry on.
4/15/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
12 Pendlay Rows
15 Chest Supported DB Reverse Flies
20 DB Baby Bear Pass Throughs
Complete the following for time:
100 KB Swings (71/53)
*EMOM 5 burpees*
Front Squat
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
20 Banded KB Swings
8-10 AB Wheel Rollouts
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
10 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
500m Row