I sat in my car and cried for 30 minutes before I stepped through DEUCE gym gate for my first Strongman 101 class as a student. Fear had taken over and in between sobbing I tried to talk myself out of going in. I had asked the universe for the opportunity to be a student again. I wanted to be surrounded by individuals that are disciplined and excited to grow. I was searching for safe place to be myself. Why was I debating going inside?
This was the place that meets every opportunity I was asking for.
When I arrived at the gate my body was frozen with fear. I immediately noticed the hand carved “Motivated Only Sign”. Next, I saw incredibly jacked humans inside doing crazy things in the yard. My first thought was I have zero business being here. I knew once I crossed the gate entrance there was no turning back. Still holding back tears I locked eyes with Coach Emily. No turning back now. Step Inside. Right away Emily smiled and gave me the best welcome hug. I was safe. I was in the right place. Now it was time to do the work. Every time our training session was over I could not wait to get back to the gym to learn more and practice being vulnerable.
Here are some lessons I learned from this experience. Take the time to decide what it is you are looking for. Every detail. Write it down. Do your homework. Find the best resources and community that supports your growth. STEP IN THE GATE.
2/20/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
10 Ring Face Pulls
12 Weighted Tricep Dips
10 DB Reverse Bicep Curls
5 Rounds
In :60
3 Push Presses
Max KB Swings (62/44)
– Rest 2 Min –
Push Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
24 Alternating Seesaw Floor Presses
6-8 3-Position Pull Ups
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
8 KB Snatch – Left (70/53)
8 KB Snatch – Right
12 Pull Ups
50 Double Unders