We are thrilled to announce a partnership with FitOn Health, who with the help of Sharecare is making physical fitness a priority for health care providers.
LAPD and LAFD are two of the largest beneficiaries of this program.
Find out today if your employer will include your DEUCE Gym membership (gym access and/or ice and sauna access) today. Furthermore, if you know someone who works at an organization supported by Sharecare, help us share the good news!
Let’s make a memory!
2/7/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
6 Sumo Deadlift
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Landmine Lateral Lunges (ea)
6 Partner GHD
10 Body Saws
4 Rounds
In :60
3 Hang Power Cleans (185/155)
Max Burpees
– Rest 2 Min –
Sumo Deadlift
Pendlay Row
Then, accumulate the following for quality:
30 Alt 1-Leg Toes-to-Bar
Then, complete 4 rounds for reps of:
:45 Max Double Unders
-Rest 2:15-